I am not a morning person, by nature... (also by nurture I guess, because my Mom is not a morning person either) So I am not really surprised that my children are not morning people either, unless its a weekend or I just got the baby to sleep after a colicky night, then they are awake at first light.... And by not morning people, I really mean, monstrous beast children for the first hour or so they are awake.
I do not do mornings with grace. I dread the second my alarm is set to go off. I loath having to go wake sweet cuddly sleeping children from their warm cocoon of a covers. But we have 3 school-agers in our house, so crazy weekday school mornings are just a part of life in our home. We have come up with a plan that alleviates as much of the Grumpies as possible though. We have our children prepare as much as they can the night before. We choose outfits and jackets and lay them out on the floor. We place our homework and reading books inside our bags, then put all the bags by the front door. Everyone showers at night, so that saves us precious minutes in the morning. My husband and I pack the lunches and put them in the fridge. I get out bowls or plates or whatever implement needed to serve their breakfast on and place a banana by each setting.
Even with all this preparedness, we still wake with yucky moods and grumpy attitudes...
This morning was especially brutal, although the monkeys all went to sleep on time, I was up all night with our 9mth old who caught the flu. I also forgot to purchase coffee creamer yesterday, so I was a little slow on the coffee uptake. No one liked the clothes that were laid out, even though they picked them. "This feels funny, That is rubbing my skin, My pants are falling off (due to not paying attention to who's stack of clothes the 7yr old was putting on and picking up his older brothers instead)".... Oh and the fighting, fighting, fighting!!!!! I truly do not remember fighting with my brothers before school... Although, I am sure we did, as most siblings do.
Pulling out of the school from dropping the last child off, I breathed in the silence that now filled my SUV... I braved another morning, Momma 1 - Kiddos 0... Now I can start my day, I thought to myself!!!
As I turned out of the driveway and headed west, I took a deep breath. Looking out the window, the streets and buildings had yet to be warmed by the glow of the sun. The sun had only reached it fingerlings of warmth on Buckhorn Summit. Its snow covered peaks were bathed in warm yellow light. The hills truly glistened in the rays. I was in awe of just how majestic a simple mountain could be if painted with just the right light and viewed with hearts and souls bared.
It took a trying morning to make my soul raw and open to remind me how beautiful everything can be if looked at with heart. Divine Intervention 1 - Momma 0....
I recently purchased some antique Ball mason jars at a neat store in Salem, Oregon. (My great-grand father used to work for Ball making mason jars and glasses so they have a special place in my heart.) The clerk told me these particular jars were from 1910's although I have done no research on these jars since I made my purchase over the Holiday Season.... I was not to sure what to do with them when I saw Pin for a Thankful Jar on Pinterest... I decided at the start of this journey I would turn one of my jars into a Simple Joys Jar...

Whenever any member of our family sees a Simply Joy, we tear off a piece of paper and write it down with the date, fold it and toss it in. We will continue to collect these little notes through out the year, as yet another way to document our Simply Joys. On New Years Eve, between Champagne and Sparkling Cider, Chips and Pizzas, Board Games and Balls Dropping, we will each take turns reading a slip of paper to our family. We will all be able to relish in all the Simple Joys we cherished on each of the days all over again. Just sneaking a peak at some of the slips the kids have already put in made me realize just how truly blessed we are.
This morning was especially brutal, although the monkeys all went to sleep on time, I was up all night with our 9mth old who caught the flu. I also forgot to purchase coffee creamer yesterday, so I was a little slow on the coffee uptake. No one liked the clothes that were laid out, even though they picked them. "This feels funny, That is rubbing my skin, My pants are falling off (due to not paying attention to who's stack of clothes the 7yr old was putting on and picking up his older brothers instead)".... Oh and the fighting, fighting, fighting!!!!! I truly do not remember fighting with my brothers before school... Although, I am sure we did, as most siblings do.
Pulling out of the school from dropping the last child off, I breathed in the silence that now filled my SUV... I braved another morning, Momma 1 - Kiddos 0... Now I can start my day, I thought to myself!!!
As I turned out of the driveway and headed west, I took a deep breath. Looking out the window, the streets and buildings had yet to be warmed by the glow of the sun. The sun had only reached it fingerlings of warmth on Buckhorn Summit. Its snow covered peaks were bathed in warm yellow light. The hills truly glistened in the rays. I was in awe of just how majestic a simple mountain could be if painted with just the right light and viewed with hearts and souls bared.
It took a trying morning to make my soul raw and open to remind me how beautiful everything can be if looked at with heart. Divine Intervention 1 - Momma 0....
I recently purchased some antique Ball mason jars at a neat store in Salem, Oregon. (My great-grand father used to work for Ball making mason jars and glasses so they have a special place in my heart.) The clerk told me these particular jars were from 1910's although I have done no research on these jars since I made my purchase over the Holiday Season.... I was not to sure what to do with them when I saw Pin for a Thankful Jar on Pinterest... I decided at the start of this journey I would turn one of my jars into a Simple Joys Jar...
Whenever any member of our family sees a Simply Joy, we tear off a piece of paper and write it down with the date, fold it and toss it in. We will continue to collect these little notes through out the year, as yet another way to document our Simply Joys. On New Years Eve, between Champagne and Sparkling Cider, Chips and Pizzas, Board Games and Balls Dropping, we will each take turns reading a slip of paper to our family. We will all be able to relish in all the Simple Joys we cherished on each of the days all over again. Just sneaking a peak at some of the slips the kids have already put in made me realize just how truly blessed we are.
The next of my New Year~New Me purchases was just a simple canvas sign from TJ Maxx for $16.99 (Man, I love that store!!!) It lists very easy, common sense Family Rules... But these are the type of rules that are quickly forgotten in the hustle bustle of a very large, very busy family....well, in any busy family for that matter...
I put this up on my wall in the dining room, where its easily seen during at least two meals a day. My kiddos even take turns reading the "Family Rules" at the dinner table every few days.
My kids loved this sign so much and worked so hard to abide by all of these "Rules" I had to purchase this next sign when I saw it. We have epic food stand offs at the dinner table in our home... It is very possible that I house THE WORLDS PICKIEST EATERS..... Have you ever met a child who cant stand pizza?? Well, He is 11 and lives under my roof.... We have another that can only eat Peanut Butter Toast and a Banana for breakfast. Every. Single. Morning.....

If they begin to protest, I simply point to the sign and say "This is it Folks, Take it or Leave it!" It has actually really helped matters. And I found it at Orchard Supply & Hardware, of all places!!!!
Cherish the little things...
Drink in the smell of baby hair...
Pay Attention and do not miss the Simple Joys in Life!!!!
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